10 Ways to Prevent Kidney Disease

Preventing certainly better than cure. And when you can take care of your kidneys from the beginning, then the risk of kidney failure or other kidney disease can be suppressed. Here are 10 tips on how to prevent kidney disease:
1. Memagajemen diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease by either:

Kidney disease is a secondary disease as a result of the primary disease. Conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease is the leading cause of kidney disease in most cases. Therefore, always keep control of blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure by following a healthy diet, exercise. Guidelines for proper treatment is essential to prevent kidney disease.
2. Reduce salt intake:

Salt is the source of that increase levels of sodium from your diet. High sodium not only increases blood pressure, but also triggers the formation of kidney stones.
3. Drink plenty of water every day:

Water is very important to help you stay hydrated, as well as helping the kidneys to get rid of all the toxins from your body. Water also helps the body to maintain blood volume and concentration. It also helps digestion and control body temperature. So make sure you avoid dehydration by getting sufficient amount of fluid every day.
4. Do not hold back urination:

Blood screening is the main function performed by your kidneys. When the filtering process is done, then the excess amount of waste liquid stored in the bladder needs to be discarded. Although the bladder can hold more urine, but curiosity BAK felt when the bladder is filled with 120-150 ml of urine.

So, if you start to ignore the urge to go to the washroom, the bladder stretches more than its capacity. This affects the kidney filtration process. Read also knowing the health condition based on the color of urine
5. Eat right:

Almost all the processes that occur in your body is affected by what you eat and how you eat. If you eat unhealthy foods, like junk food and fast food, the organs of your body must work extra hard, including the kidneys.

You must include the right foods in your diet, especially kidney bisamemperkuat food such as fish, asparagus, cereals, garlic and parsley. Fruits such as watermelon, orange and lemon are also good for kidney health.
6. Healthy Drinks:

Including fresh juice or juice blender is another way that you can put more fluid and always keep your kidneys healthy. The juice helps the digestive system to extract more water and remove waste from the body.

Avoid excessive drinking soft drinks, coffee or tea, since these drinks contain caffeine which could potentially reduce the amount of fluid in the body. So therefore, the kidneys have to work harder to throw.

If you are already suffering from kidney problems, then you should avoid juices made from vegetables such as spinach and beets. This is because both of these vegetables are rich in oxalic acid, which causes the formation of kidney stones. But you certainly can drink coconut water.
7. Avoid alk * * mer hol and why:

Excess intake of alk * hol can disrupt electrolyte balance in the body and hormonal control that affect kidney function. Mer * why it is not directly related to kidney problems, but it can significantly reduce kidney function - plus have adverse effects on cardiovascular health, which could further aggravate kidney problems.
8. Regular exercise:

Experts and researchers believe that obesity is strongly associated with health problems associated with kidney related. Being overweight will bring the risk of kidney problems are two-fold. Exercise, a healthy diet, as well as regulate eating a balanced definitely can help you lose excess weight and improve kidney health. In addition, you will always feel fresh and active. Here's more on how obesity and associated kidney disease.
9. Avoid taking medication without medical advice from:

Whatever type of medicines that you consume have to pass a kidney to do the filtering. Addition of dose or take drugs without you knowing it could increase the toxic load on the kidneys. That is why you should always follow the recipe and the dose given health experts, and avoid treating yourself.
10. Beware of supplements and herbal medicines or herbal medicine:

If you take vitamin supplements or herbal supplements, you should consider your needs. Excessive intake of vitamins and certain herbs or herbal associated with kidney damage. You should consult with your doctor about the risk of kidney disease before taking supplements and herbs.

Similarly, 10 tips how so that we avoid kidney disease, especially renal failure that is feared throughout the world. Do not miss the schedule control to your doctor, if diagnosed early, the disease will be easier to treat.


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